Monday, September 29, 2008

10 Days to Close

If you’ve made it to your thirties without a big shakeup in your world, then you might not realize how hard it was in your twenties, when you were putting together a single adult’s life.

07-18-08 – Friday
When you ask God to make your family closer, God gives you opportunities to get closer to your family, aka adversity. I asked God for help, for the patience to let my situation resolve itself, and I received those gifts. I prayed vaguely for a solution, and now I have one: a solution that I must figure my way through, picking and choosing among the options to find the steadiest ground for lp and myself. It’s no less scary and worrying and emotionally-charged than any other moment of change in my life. But it is a solution. “I fought you every step of the way.” – Evan Almighty


Anonymous said...

"close" = house?

On thursday? You'll be free and done with it?!

Glad you're loving the TH. :)

superglad you're blogging!

amie said...

Thank you! Yes, the 'close' was in reference to the house, back in July. It was incredibly hectic, but as always, folks pitched in.