Monday, September 29, 2008

Hello world!

And here we are, after quite some time apart.

I learned a great deal during our trial separation, particularly that I will keep writing regardless of blog availability, so I suppose that's good (for me, anyway). A lot has happened in the past few months:

I moved, most importantly. The house, after 18 months on the market, finally sold and now lp and I are in our own little townhouse, my first place of my own, and we're setting things up with a fury. It's delicious.

lp turned 13 this May, and I think it's time to re-christen her a la blog, but I haven't hit upon anything yet. All suggestions are welcome.

I'm a 3L now, which means that in the order of "Scare you to death, Work you to death, Bore you to death" I've hit Boredom. That's not entirely accurate, but I no longer fear being laughed out of school, which I suppose is a positive development. I can more or less coast on my basic skills when I need to cover material, and I'm less terrified of being called on in a large class: I'll do the best I can, but I'm not embarrassed if I can't follow every professor's every thought. I think a lot of the "boredom" my 3L classmates express is really just being tired, not that being tired is any less important. And I am very tired. I know I'll have to ramp up to full ramming speed for the bar next summer, and for now I'm taking it as slow as I can, given a 17-hour semester, working full time, and being a full-time single parent. Which is, as you can imagine, not very "slow."

In point of fact, most of August and September have flown by in a series of moving and unpacking and traveling and more unpacking and studying and lp coming home and yet more studying and some additional unpacking. I'm looking forward to October, in which I expect to have two whole weekends at home, a great improvement.

For those of you who have found this by searching, thank you. I did not intentionally drop my old blog; there was a series of Unfortunate Events and I was simply unable to figure out how to get various technological entities in alignment. I don't have time to learn how to make it work. My time has been consumed with the aforementioned move, and the learning of all the technologies to get one's television and computer networks up and running, and then the start of classes, and the single-mom-ing stuff. I've been productive, just not in the "teaching oneself how to host an independent blog" sense.

I'll be posting most of the things I've been writing for the past few months, a bit here and there, just for kicks. I hope you've all been well, and I've missed you.

All my love,

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